Tick-Borne Diseases in Santa Cruz County 2003-2004
Annual Report 2003-2004, Santa Cruz County Mosquito and Vector Control District
The County had 8 reported cases of Lyme disease, and one reported case of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in 2003, and 3 reported cases of Lyme disease in 2004 from tick bites. Lyme disease continues to be the most important vector-borne disease in the State, with an average of 200-300 reported cases per year. A recent study by San Jose State University suggested that the infection rate of Ixodes pacificus ticks with Lyme disease in our County may be higher than in other parts of the state, with the number infected averaging 5-6%. This finding was notably higher than previously reported prevalence estimates, although the infection rate in this area is still relatively low compared to that of some east coast states.... Prevention of bites and recognition of symptoms by the public and physicians are the recommended methods of dealing with tick-borne disease.