A 6-Year Analysis of Tick Surveillance in San Mateo County
Entomology Report February 2007, San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District
% Infection of I. pacificus in San Mateo County Parks
Location # Ix. pacificus Tested % Infection
Pulgas Ridge 60 3.3
Los Trancos Woods 733 2.5
Huddart Park 140 2.1
Big Canyon Park 507 1.8
Crystal Springs Trail 556 1.6
San Pedro Valley Park 333 0.9
Laurelwood Park 428 0.7
Edgewood Park 195 0.5
An analysis of tick surveillance data from 2002 through February 2007 in San Mateo County was performed. Adult Ixodes pacificus ticks have been collected from 11 parks. Thus far Lyme disease spirochetes have been detected in ticks from 8 parks (Big Canyon Park, Crystal Springs Trail, Edgewood Park, Huddart Park, Laurelwood Park, Los Trancos Woods, Pulgas Ridge, and San Pedro Valley Park). The prevalence of infection in ticks at these parks ranged from 0.5% - 3.3%. Ticks collected from Costanoa, Sweeney Ridge, and Water Dog Lake have not yet tested positive for Lyme Disease spirochetes.
Previous related entries:
Tick Surveillance in San Mateo County, January 2007, January 2007
Tick Surveillance in San Mateo County, December 2006, December 2006
San Mateo County: Lyme Disease Surveillance Winter/Spring 2005-06, June 2006
San Mateo County: Lyme Disease Surveillance Winter/Spring 2005-06, April 2006
San Mateo County: Lyme Disease Surveillance Winter/Spring 2005-06, March 2006
San Mateo County: Lyme Disease Surveillance 2006, February 2006
San Mateo County: Lyme Disease Surveillance 2006, January 2006
San Mateo County: Lyme Disease Surveillance, November/December 2005
San Mateo County: Lyme Disease Surveillance, October 2005
San Mateo County: Lyme Disease Surveillance, January 2005